Wilbur Smith Trivia ('River God') - 10/27/1998
…..These are the answers to the trivia questions which were asked from 10/98 through 2/99. Let's see how you did!
The first three questions are the easiest and the last three are the hardest and worth more points.
First Set 1 point each.
1. Lanata
2. Arrow
3. Akh-Seth
Second Set (a bit harder) 2 points each.
4. Patience
5. Gnu fever (yellow strangler)
6. Starved herself
Third Set (toughies) 3 points each.
7. Ancestors
8. Elephant
9. Three
Bonus (Tie Breaker - Only two people have ever answered this question right) 1 point.
10. track of the oryx
Hall of Fame
1st place - S. Todd Bartrim - 19 Points
(Outstanding - Only The Second Perfect Score!!)
1st place - William Smith - 19 Points
(Very Nice - William Aced It First!!)
3rd place - Mark Bieri - 18 Points
(All But The Bonus - I never thought this score would fall!)
3rd place - Katy Brideau - 18 Points
(The last great score to be compiled!)